Fall Fund Drive - Frequently Asked Questions
What is supported through my donation to the Lawton PTO?
Here is an overview of 2018-2019 PTO expenses which highlights the most notable ways your PTO donations were used to benefit our students. Our annual budget of $69,000 (roughly $125 per student) directly pays for expenses related to the academic, cultural, and social development for all our Lawton students.
What should families do if they cannot contribute the suggested amount of $130 per student?
Our Fall Fund Drive goal is 100% participation from all Lawton families giving at whatever level they can. No donation is too small. Do you know that you can set up small monthly contributions using a credit card instead of one lump sum? Also, volunteering your time to assist in planning or helping at PTO events is another way you can support the important work of the PTO. Families may also give more than the suggested $130 per child to help cover the expenses for other students.
Why do the Fall Fund Drive and the Lawton Runathon happen at the same time?
We ask for your Fall Fund Drive support in September so we have a clear view of our operating budget for the year. Our Runathon donations are divided evenly between the PTO and the John Crosby Foundation to help families affected by pediatric cancer. Since 2002, the Lawton community has given over $100,000 to the foundation which honors John Crosby, a former Lawton student. This long-standing Lawton tradition of “kids helping kids” encourages our students to think beyond their own school community through compassion and gratitude. This is the one PTO-sponsored event that raises money for an outside non-profit organization.
How else does the PTO raise money besides the Fall Fund Drive?
Runathon (October) Students may donate coins, collect pledges, and do fundraising event outside of school (like a lemonade stand or collect bottle returns).
Scholastic Book Fair (March) Families buy brand new Scholastic books, and the PTO receives either 25% of all sales in cash back or 50% of all sales in Scholastic Dollars.
Auction (March) You (or others you ask) can donate an item or service. You may also buy an event ticket; help publicize the event; participate in the raffle or wine pull; or buy an auction item.
Ice Cream Social (June) Buy tickets for cake walk and carnival activities, purchase raffle basket tickets, and donate raffle basket items.
Spiritwear Sales (Fall and Spring) Depending on sales volume, we make a small profit from sales of Lawton emblazoned clothing.
PTO Thrift Shop (Year round) Donate your used items for the PTO Thrift Shop to sell and profits from that go back to AAPS district-wide. The Veteran’s Day Raffle (November) will offer $5 tickets for a chance to win generous prizes. $5 from every ticket the Lawton PTO sells will be given back to our school. The PTO Thrift Shop also gives schools a couple of two week periods during the year to “Show Your Support” by shopping there and earning additional donations to our PTO from the Thrift Shop.
Sponsorships Contact lawtonpto@gmail.com to sponsor part of an event like the Runathon, Auction or Winter Welcome Dance
Will our family be asked to sell anything to raise money for the PTO?
We will not ask your family to sell anything unless you have volunteered to do so to benefit a PTO event (like Runathon food or raffle ticket sales).
We take advantage of fundraising through other organizations like Amazon Smile, Kroger, Box Tops for Education, Busch’s, Arbor Farms, Red Robin, and Mabel’s Labels. We also may host restaurant nights at local establishment where a percentage of that night’s receipts go back to our PTO. You shop wherever makes sense for your family and if the organization gives our school money for your patronage, we will gladly take it.
You may be asked to donate food, activities or other items for class parties and PTO events. Room parents from each classroom may ask for money or goods for class parties, class gifts and Teacher Appreciation Week (May). As always, participation is optional.
How do I submit my donation?
Give your teacher or the office cash or a check to ‘Lawton PTO’ in a envelope clearly marked “PTO Fall Fund Drive.” (Avoid putting it in the locked wooden box in the office -- that’s for school lunch money.)
Go to the Lawton PTO homepage and select the Donate button to donate via PayPal (Account is Lawton SchoolPTO). PayPal collects a small fee from the PTO for payments by credit card.
Can my employer match my gift to our PTO?
The Lawton PTO is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization. All direct donations are tax deductible. Please check with your employer to see if they match your charitable donations.
We are dedicated to ensuring that everyone feels included in the various events and opportunities at Lawton, and we thank our generous donors for making this possible. We also encourage everyone who can to give their time and energy for the enrichment of all our students by volunteering. Ask your teacher, lawtonpto@gmail.com or president@lawtonpto.org for ideas of things you can do to fit your busy schedule. Lawton is an amazing place, and your PTO is eternally grateful for all the wonderful community support we receive. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.